Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hmmmm, nothing since April 1st....

Well no news is good news...

I saw the oncologist on the 10th..all is well.. The lump which started out at 7cm has shrunk, or melted as the Dr. said to  4.4cm, which is fantastic news.... and only after 2 treatments.
 I have lots of good energy after I get over "chemo week", and when the weather is good I frequently walk 3 miles a day, (yes miles  not kilometers) not all in one session but over the course of the day.
The doctor is great, has a wonderful manner and instills confidence in his patient.  He called me into his office down the hall from the waiting room, on the way he asked, "How are you doing, you look great?" 
"I am great," was my reply, "on days when it is not snowing or raining I walk 3 miles a day."
"So not much walking this week he smiled."

 ( I know I should be using quotation marks here, but this is chemo so I am to be excused!!) 

Once inside his office he said... so tell me how you really are, what are your side effects, and ran through a long list of things that sound horrible and my answer to all was "No." I told him that chemo week was not fun...but not terrible.. I am a bit tired, very irritable and weepy, and I yell at my dog, because he won't get out of my way and won't leave me alone. He smells the chemicals, senses my moods and gets frantic if I have the bedroom or the bathroom door closed. And he is a big 100 lb, ll month old German Shepherd! He gets in the way. 
Well that is better than yelling at your husband, he offered. No. I said .he goes to the basement.  The dog, the Dr. asked? No my husband, the dog is afraid of the stairs.

So on those days I take 1/2 an ativan..  Good, he replied, give the other half to the dog...!

Yesterday, the 11th was treatment #3.. so you are all warned.

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