Sunday, August 12, 2012

Little Birds Should Wear Name Tags

This little one has been in one of the trees in the yard for a couple of days, given that he seems to be with a adult that looks like a common yellow warbler, I'm guessing that it may be one as well.....

However, there is no name tag..... who knows?    He/She is pretty cute anyway.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

All Dressed Up Like A Painted Lady

I knew there was a reason I have just let the oregano grow wild........

 It is a favourite food of the Painted  Lady Butterfly

Monday, August 6, 2012

August Moon

Summer is quickly sliding by... we have had some lovely days, and clear sky at night.  The setting sun is sometimes upstaged by a rising moon.... here is an example.

The first shot the moon seems to be stuck on a tree limb, but apparently freed itself to show up as a full moon the following night... even if it did hide behind some cloud as I was taking its photograph.