Tuesday, December 20, 2011

There is no artist as good as Mother Nature

Early frost on the windows of the sun porch....
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry's Point in Magog

A quick sunset shot, on the way home....... November 25, 2011
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Snow Geese near Stanstead Que in November

A very unexpected sight on a back road.
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My Mom on her 94th birthday

Adelaide Atkin and the Elephant.... they have both seen a lot of changes down by the waterfront.
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A few bits of colour

Some shots late in the season.....
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Second Nesting For The Cardinal Family

Quite late in the fall, I noticed a lot of fluttering around one of the bird feeders. It was a rather tired looking male Cardinal teaching a young female how to have lunch. She went from "feed me Dad" ( the bottom photo) to " I can do it myself" in two days. I guess you have to be a quick study at that time of the year.
Each time I tried to go outside to take a picture, they flew away. The were taken from inside.
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Raccoon in the Compost Bin...

Imagine my surprise when I went to add some compostable garbage to our brown bin.... The lid was open, that was my first clue. This fellow found his way in, ate a whole lot, and then could not get out. I think he was quite relieved when we tipped the container over, and sent him on his way..
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The Old Horse Stalls...

Unfortunately, I can not seem to make this post appear in the proper order....
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This barn belonged to the Packards at one time...

It is not likely that the doors to the barn will be closed with a couple of boards much longer.
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Some photos of an old landmark, that is about to change..

This old barn will probably look very different in the near future. The property has been sold, and like so many other places around our village, it will morph into a different version of it's self. Change happens in small villages, families, buildings, and circumstances all have their seasons.. Fortunately I was able to take a few photos of the inside....to capture some the old energy... Energy is never destroyed, it only changes form.

Photos will be appear in next post....  I can't seem to attach them to this entry.
It is a good thing I am not trying to make a living as a blogger...I have just realized that my last entry was in August. I will take a look around my photos and see what I have of interest.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Osprey Update

A friend called to tell me that the Osprey couple were still in the area, and were building a new nest. It appears that this one comes with a build in Dining Room. I think it is too late in the season now for them to have another nesting..... given that it takes 35-40 days for eggs to hatch, then another 6 weeks before the young birds can fledge the nest. However it is great that they are still here, and should return next year.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

I didn't get any!!!

I came across some young barn swallows lined up on telephone wires on the side of the road this afternoon. Mother ( I assume ) is still feeding them......tough work... she was constantly flying back and forth with a mouth full of goodies.
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Blackberries are ready. I was surprised to find this young bird ( I think it is a cedar waxwing), with its mouth very full of ripe and jucy blackberry.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

very sad today..... something has happened to the chicks

So sad to report that yesterday morning there was only one chick left in the nest. Both parents were very attentive..... and then this morning, one of the local photographers who had been watching the nest twice a day, discovered that the second chick was not there early this morning.  They are far to young to have flown away. Either a predator attacked the nest at night, which seem unlikely as the female would not leave the nest; or the nest was not sturdy enough and they fell out..... I guess we will never know.

This was the last photo I got of the remaining chick last evening...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chick One and Chick Two

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July 12, 2011

This is day 4 of being able to see the chicks, (at least for me).... There are two of them, the photo shows Mother feeding one of them. Dad is keeping a watchful eye.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Apple blossoms late May

There has been so much rain this spring .....almost forgot what else is out there

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Waiting for the caboose ..

Trains in Magog are always long...I am sitting in the car..waiting for the caboose

Still Standing

I have driven past this old barn and side building for years now, and each time I pass I am inwardly pleased to see that it is still standing. It is a outward symbol of a tenacity and resiliance of the past that is often missing in our current world.......
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