Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wild Turkeys on Sutherland Hill

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November Apple Orchard at Chazy NY

On Tuesday I went to Chazy NY with Helen Belliard, and while Helen was painting her "soon to be" new grandchild's room, I wandered around the huge apple orchard in the backyard.The sun was starting to set and the stark silhouette of the trees were calling out for photographs.

Our snowbirds are making their way south, Chuck left for Florida on Tuesday. He was looking forward to shorts and a Palm Tree. We still seem to have lots of geese in Mr. Demerais fields though.....

We are watching Kevin's' blog and following his travels with baited breath. Let us all send him lots of positive thoughts and energy as he undertakes this project in Afghanistan.
Chazy sunsets on Lake Champlain to follow
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

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November Elephant

The sun is lower in the sky now, and as it sets it creates spectacular sunsets. Here are a couple of late.

Snow and Autum Leaves


The first snow arrived while our leaves were still on the trees.... It did not last long, but gave an opportunity for some good photography.
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Catching Up.....

It has been several months since I started this blog, it was mostly just to see what it had to offer. Now it seems to be the ideal way of keeping in touch with wandering family members..... and they do seem to wander, Ken and Dorothy in Ottawa, Lesley in Toronto, and Kevin almost in Afghanistan. This blog will just be a few postings of happenings in the village, or other items of interest. There will be a few photos as well.

November is slowly creeping in..... temperatures are dropping, the geese have just about all headed south, we have had a few skifs of snow and heavy frost. True to form, November also gives us fantastic sunsets. I have posted a couple here.
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