Sunday, December 28, 2008

seemed to have missed the post as well!!

I'll try again

The Two That Got Away

The turkey dinners are all cooked and eaten, Christmas wrappings are almost put away, travelers are heading home. We have had so much rain that a lot of our Christmas snow has melted, and driveways and gravel roads are sheer ice.

On the 26th, we looked out the kitchen window and found these two turkeys dancing down the driveway...... they would not be anyone's Christmas dinner this year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Christmas Wish......

To all who may read this note, I wish you Love, Joy, and Happiness throughout this holiday season and all year long. In these troubled times, let us all take a look at the Prayer of St. Francis...... I think it says it all.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kevin in Afghanistan

I know a lot of family and friends are following Kevin's blog from Afghanistan, but for those who may be interested and don't have his link, I am posting it here

Monday, December 15, 2008

Not happy with the camera near by..

They seemed a bit skittish, and I don't think they were comfortable with the sound of the camera shutter, after a quick meal they headed back to the safety of the trees

young buck, and timid fawn

I have this friend that lives in the woods......

which is not such an unusual thing around here as a lot of us live in the woods, however on top of all the community activities she is involved with she also serves supper to a family of deer most nights. If it is getting late, they have not arrived around their usual time, she bangs on the screen door, and calls them. " Come and get your supper", "want some carrots?" ... pretty soon they poke their heads over the top of the hill and go down to the dining area.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Full Moon +1

The phone rang, and my mother said, " Have you seen the moon?". The first night of the full moon was overcast here, luckly last night it was in full form,( no pun intended). However it was also cold, so this is the only good shot I could get before my trusty Olympus refused to function. enjoy a little moonlight.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wishing you all a Happy Pre Christmas Season!

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Inviting Lights

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The School House

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Murray Memorial Hall

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Christmas Lights .......

We are beginning to see Christmas Lights in the village, I don't think they are all up yet, but it is looking like the cosy village we expect at this time of the year. The Murray Memorial Hall wreath, The Red School House,are standards and the village would not feel the same without them. Other houses just look inviting with their lights on in the can imagine the cups of tea and conversation behind the windows.

Anglican Church waiting for Choir practice

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first frost along waterfront

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wild Turkeys on Sutherland Hill

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November Apple Orchard at Chazy NY

On Tuesday I went to Chazy NY with Helen Belliard, and while Helen was painting her "soon to be" new grandchild's room, I wandered around the huge apple orchard in the backyard.The sun was starting to set and the stark silhouette of the trees were calling out for photographs.

Our snowbirds are making their way south, Chuck left for Florida on Tuesday. He was looking forward to shorts and a Palm Tree. We still seem to have lots of geese in Mr. Demerais fields though.....

We are watching Kevin's' blog and following his travels with baited breath. Let us all send him lots of positive thoughts and energy as he undertakes this project in Afghanistan.
Chazy sunsets on Lake Champlain to follow
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

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November Elephant

The sun is lower in the sky now, and as it sets it creates spectacular sunsets. Here are a couple of late.

Snow and Autum Leaves


The first snow arrived while our leaves were still on the trees.... It did not last long, but gave an opportunity for some good photography.
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Catching Up.....

It has been several months since I started this blog, it was mostly just to see what it had to offer. Now it seems to be the ideal way of keeping in touch with wandering family members..... and they do seem to wander, Ken and Dorothy in Ottawa, Lesley in Toronto, and Kevin almost in Afghanistan. This blog will just be a few postings of happenings in the village, or other items of interest. There will be a few photos as well.

November is slowly creeping in..... temperatures are dropping, the geese have just about all headed south, we have had a few skifs of snow and heavy frost. True to form, November also gives us fantastic sunsets. I have posted a couple here.
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Signs of spring....... the first Heron at the Duck Pond, he looks a little travel weary, seems to be missing a few feathers at the edge of his wings, but it was great to see him1
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

furry friend

This littly guy spends a lot of time trying to be a bird! He has also become a real "peeping tom". It does make it easy to take his photo!
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Some neighbours were out cross country sking and asked if this was our owl....
apparently he/she has been around a lot lately, but this was the first time I had seen it.
What a lovely surprise. I managed to get several shots of it, ( was out in the snow in my
slippers), however the next time I went out, it was gone. Guess it really just wanted
to sleep!
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Saturday, February 9, 2008

late afternoon deer

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Opening Notes

Never thought I would attempt to "blog or blather" just to see my words in print, but this might be a fun way to keep in touch with family and post a "few??" photos. Let's see what happenes.