Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Radiation finished today............



Friday, October 6, 2017

It's me.....

I got the results of my surgery today.... and all is good.

no lymph node  involvement, which means the cancer did not spread 

Every bit was removed by the surgery, and it was a very tiny bit! Chemo did its job and shrunk the mass to nearly nothing.

Still need some radiation, to make sure this does not come back in any form, but should be 4 weeks max.

Things to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving weekend.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sept 14/17

Good Morning....

Surgery is over, it went well, and I have no pain or discomfort. 
Glad we have reached that part of the journey, now just have to wait for the stitches to heal... see the Dr. at the end of the month to see what is needed for radiation...

Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 19......

10 days since my final chemo treatment.....so thankful to have that behind me. However we were getting pretty good at getting to the CHUS in 40 mins:)

There have been a few side effects from the chemo, but I think they will disappear over the next few weeks. The nails on my fingers and toes look as if I have had a really bad French Manicure, and I have to treat them gently. The nail beds are not as sore as they were 10 days ago. I am back to walking every day, but have not hit the 3 mile mark yet....some days my legs feel wobbly... other days are fine...

Surgery is set for Sept 12...... 

" And that's all she wrote"

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26,2017

I can't believe that date that I just wrote, it has been a whirlwind 
around here.

It was Lesley's wedding weekend on the 23rd, and there was the grandest collection of children, nieces and nephews and wives and cousins, and children that ever there was......... and now it is all over and we miss them. So many friends and family that have not see each other for years....... technology like email and face time is good, but nothing beats a real honest to goodness, old fashioned HUG.

I have had more treatments and continue to do well, I even gained almost 3 pounds. I told you more ice cream and less walking would work.

The end of chemo is getting close, 2 more appointments, then some time off for good behaviour, and surgery set up for the 12th of September.

See you next week

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 12/17

I totaly lost, deleted or did something to my last post re no wine ete.... I don't remember how I phrased it so trying again.. :(

No wine, no chocolate, no sugar.... not because they are forbidden while I am taking chemo, but because they taste HORRIBLE... I have to gag to get some of the food down..

I have read that it takes about 10 days for the taste buds to regenerate their sensitivity , and my last treatment should be August 9th.... so on the 19th will have a hangover, breakout in pimples, and gain 10 pounds. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 9/17

Falling behind with posting, but all is well, nothing new to report:)

only 5 more treatments left....... looking forward to August 9th.